What are special collections? Who can use them and how?
Special collections are materials of special value. These are i.a. manuscripts, first editions, old prints. They can be used only on the premises in the Reading Room under the supervision of a librarian. The special collections also include unpublished scientific works. Masters theses and doctoral dissertations can be accessed, after meeting the formal requirements, by students and employees of the UMFC and – in justified cases – by other persons after obtaining the consent of the Director of the UMFC Library.
How to get access to masters theses?
You need to submit an appropriate form (available on our website in the tab REGULATIONS) and request the thesis via our online catalogue. Instructions for accessing diploma theses in the UMFC Library can be found in the DIPLOMA WORKS manual.
Can I borrow masters theses or doctoral dissertation from the collections of the UMFC Library?
No, borrowing diploma theses is not allowed. Masters theses and doctoral dissertations can be accessed on special terms, on the library premises only. It is forbidden to copy or photograph them.
What does the ‘CIM’ symbol mean?
The ‘CIM’ symbol stands for cimelia, that is materials of special value, properly protected and stored. These are the most valuable or the oldest prints kept in the Library as well as manuscripts separated from the regular collections and specially protected. They can be accessed on special terms, on the premises only.